Pathways for Professional Learning

This is a regular column in The Teacher  from the NSTU's Professional Development department. Please browse through the titles to find downloadable articles for viewing.

2021-2022 School Year

Date Title
September 2021 Hello Colleagues / Bonjour chers collègues
October 2021 Celebrating Mi’kmaq History Month year-round
January/February 2022

Reaching out

March 2022

Upcoming professional learning opportunities

April 2022

Understanding the Sexual Exploitation of Youth: An Introduction

May 2022

Pathways for Progress

June 2022

The Evolving Language of Equity

2020-2021 School Year

Date Title
September 2020 COVID-19’s teaching challenges: 5 tips from pediatric care for teachers wearing masks
October 2020 Addressing systemic racism in education
November/December 2020 Teachers, Cut Yourself Some Slack!
January/February 2021 Creative Thinking: Everyone does it, the OECD wants us to [im]prove it.
March 2021 Examining Women in Educational Leadership in the Teaching Profession
April 2021 Checking Our Privilege
June 2021 What Can I Do?

2019-2020 School Year

Date Title
September 2019 To solve the misinformation crisis, we have to make fact-checking a habit
October 2019 Paths for Professional Growth
November/December 2019 Being Black in the Education System
January/February 2020 Welcoming gender diversity every day in your classroom: Two axioms
March 2020 Empowering our silent majority
April/May 2020 Safe Spaces for Queer Teachers
June 2020 Developmental Language Disorder: A hidden yet common condition

2018-2019 School Year

Date Title
September 2018 The Restorative Approach in Nova Scotia Schools
October 2018 We don’t need a raft, we have each other
November/December 2018 The NSTU Professional Association Conference Day Charts the Course for Collaborative Professionalism
January/February 2019 Do You Know Your School Psychologist? and Have you heard about SPAA?
March 2019 Digital Literacy 101 For Teachers
April 2019 The Fair Dealing Resource for Teachers: / La ressource en matière de droit d’auteur pour le personnel enseignant :
June 2019 Moving beyond the tap on the shoulder: new online resource aims to empower women for teacher organization leadership

2017-2018 School Year

Date Title
September 2017 Eight Big Ideas to Strengthen Public Education 
October 2017 Mirror image: Reflections on gender and media
November/December 2017 Charting Your Course for Student Success
January/February 2018 High Impact Teachers are Inspiring Leaders
April 2018 Copyright and Fair Dealing for Teachers
May 2018 Raising a Generation of Data Defenders

2016-2017 School Year

Date Title
September 2016                    Teacher Voice and Aspirations 
October 2016 Extending Digital Literacy to the Secondary Grades
November/December 2016 NSSCA Celebrates 50 Years!
March 2017 Getting Better Together, teaching and living well with Educator’s Health Guide
May 2017 Copyright and Fair Dealing for Teachers
June 2017 Transitioning to the NEW YOU!

2015-2016 School Year

Date Title
September 2015 Meaningful Learning through Relevant Professional Development
October 2015 Sheonoroil Conference:  Safe Schools One Peace at a Time
December 2015 Teacher Time Use Survey
January/February 2016 NSMTA - Promoting mathematics education & PD for over 50 years
March 2016 Reducing Stigma, Promoting Resilience: Population Health Interventions for LGBTQ Youth
April 2016 Charting Your Course - Professional Development meets Personal Growth
May 2016 Effective, Meaningful and Enduring Professional Development
June 2016 The Evolution of Teaching Standards

2014-2015 School Year

Date Title
September 2014 Kindling the fire through teacher-driven Professional Development
October 2014 An engagement that leads to a happy partnership
November/December 2014 Honouring public education and our veterans
January/February 2015 Inspiriting Family Studies in our Teaching - Celebrating 30 Years
March 2015 CTF survey on teacher work-life balance
April 2015 Empathy, Self Regulation and Resiliency
May 2015 Issues in educational research and links to improving student learning and well-being
June 2015 Aspiring Leaders in Nova Scotia's Schools

2013-2014 School Year

Date Title
September 2013 Our PD, Our Success, Our Future
October 2013 Awareness and motivation lead to engagement
November/December 2013 Partners Working Group:  Aligning Teacher Qualifications with Learner Needs
January/February 2014 Supporting Substitute Teachers
March 2014 Celebrating a decade of enhancing PD for adult educators
April 2014 The TRANSformation of Equity in Schools
May 2014 Effects of Poverty in Our Schools
June 2014 Fond Farewell

2012-2013 School Year

Date Title
November 9, 2012 Addressing Cyber Bullying
February 1, 2013 The TRANSformation of Equity in Schools
March 8, 2013 Social Studies Teachers Association (SSTA):
Navigating & communicating 50 years & beyond
May 13, 2013 Association of Supervision & Curriculum Development Conference Highlights

2011-2012 School Year

Date Title
September 2011 Ready, Set and Go — Annual Conference 2011
October 2011 Staff Relationships and Student Learning
November/December 2011 What Belongs in our Coach's Corner
January/February 2012 Charting Your Financial Course for Professional Development
March 2012 FLC - celebrating a successful learning journey
April 2012 Teaching Our Digital Citizens
May 2012 The Four Pillars of Education
June 2012 CONTACT and DSS - Two Summer Learning Opportunities for NSTU Members

2010-2011 School Year

Date Title
September 2010 Demystifying Differentiation of Instruction and Assessment
October 2010 Media Literacy in Canada
Nov./Dec. 2010 Building a Better Society: PEACE by PEACE
Jan./Feb. 2011 About the Primary Elementary School Teachers Association (PETA)
March 2011 Professional Learning is Instructional Time
April 2011 New NSTU website supports effective and efficient communication
May 2011 Conference focuses on equity, social justice and peace
June 2011 The NSTU Responds to the Ben Levin Report

2009-2010 School Year

Date Title
Sept. 2009 Charting Your Course for Assessment Success
Oct.2009 Appropriate online behaviour and responsible access to Internet and communications technology
Nov. 2009 Wikipedia in the Classroom: Teaching students about information authentication
December 2009 Battling Homophobia in our Schools
January 2010 NSMEA - Promoting Music Education for over 50 years
February 2010 Charting Your Course for Member Services
March 2010 FAPSC - What is it?
April 2010 What are we doing right?
May 2010 Respect for Human Rights: The Indicator of a Humane Society
June 2010 Year in Review

2008-2009 School Year

Date Title
Sept. 2008 Leadership for Equity and Excellence
Oct. 2008 Teaching to the Curriculum: Bringing Media Literacy Outcomes and Expectations into the Classroom
Nov. 2008 T he continuum of teacher education
Dec. 2008 Cyberconduct, Cyberbullying
Jan. 2009 A strong voice for school administrators
Feb. 2009 PD, the NSTU and You
March 2009 Professional Development for the Contemporary Classroom
April 2009 2009 Assessment Summit - A unique learning experience for all educators
May 2009 School administrators, professional development and the NSTU
June 2009 Ready, Set, Go!

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