March 8 is International Women’s Day, a time to celebrate the contributions of women and girls everywhere; to recognize women who inspire us all; and to renew discussion about the importance of gender equality in Canada and around the world. 

International Women’s Day 2022 Theme: #BreakThe Bias

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

So strike the #BreakTheBias pose by crossing your arms to show solidarity and help break the bias.

Individuals and organizations are invited to share their #BreakTheBias image, video, resources, presentation or articles on social media using #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias to encourage further people to commit to helping forge an inclusive world.

Status of Women Canada 2022 Theme: #FeministRecovery


The Government of Canada’s theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022 is Women Inspiring Women.

It celebrates all the women and girls who inspire us by demonstrating leadership in the choices they make in their day-to-day lives to contribute to the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres.

In Canada, unlike in many other countries, women are free to study and be leaders in the field they choose, care and provide for their family, express who they are, and fight for their beliefs.

Suggested Activities: Celebrating International Women’s Day

The following is a list of suggestions to help you celebrate International Women’s Day and the week of March 8th. To help ensure success of any organized event or activity with your students, choose something that suits both your audience and your purpose. Almost every idea can be adapted to suit a classroom setting.

  •  Discuss with students the history of International Women’s Day and the purpose for celebrating such a special day.
    • Ask that an announcement be made in the school, along with a brief history of the reason for the day.
    • Write a special diary entry celebrating your won achievements as a woman and what contributions you have made to education.
    • Consider your own economic security. Do you know the facts about your family economics?
    • Read the Alberta Teachers’ Association recent article, Examining Women in Educational Leadership in the Teaching Profession found on the Canadian Teachers Federation website  .
    • Explore statistical information about women in the workforce with your older students.
    • Have students make posters to display on International Women’s Day.
    • Share the information you learn about it with someone you think does not understand the need for an “International Women’s Day.”
    • Organize a fundraiser and send the proceeds to support a cause related to the Status of Women. For example, Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan, which is a Canadian volunteer solidarity group committed to raising awareness to the plight of women in Afghanistan
    • Spread the word about International Women’s Day by sending an email or e-card greeting to friends, family, and colleagues that includes a link to the Status of Women Canada website
    • Place a special message on your fax cover sheet, your voicemail, your website, your email signature, on your computer screen saver, or on your employees’ pay envelopes.
    • Use the social media shareables produced by Status of Women Canada .
    • Use the social media shareables produced by 
    • Produce and display your own International Women’s Day poster.
    • Show an appropriate video for your audience on issues of concern to women and hold a discussion afterwards. You may even want to have a special guest participate and lead the discussion.
    • Network and exchange information with local community groups that work to promote women’s equality and rights.
    • Hold a discussion on a topic of concern to the women in your workplace or community. Topics could include: Women and the Internet, Women and the Media, Women in Non-traditional Roles, Wage Gap between Women and Men, Stereotyping and Socio-sexual Roles, Women’s Struggles and Challenges, Balancing Work and Family Responsibilities, Career Choices, Education and Training for Women, Women and Sports, Human Rights of Women, Women and Armed Conflict, Women and the Peace Process, Women and Globalization, Violence against Women, Women and Poverty, Women’s Health Issues, Sharing Power and Decision-Making, Feminism, Gender Relations, Women and Science, Women and the Environment, Women and Research, Women and Volunteer Work.
    • Set up an information fair with displays featuring local resources for women.
    • Hold a “brown-bag” lunch and invite women from several generations to share their personal experiences and efforts to achieve women’s equality.
    • Interview women who have made a positive difference for women in your community or globally. Write an article about them for a local paper or newsletter.
    • Present a show, concert, or a play related to women’s struggles for equality and donate the proceeds to a women’s organization.
    • Organize a photo or art exhibit in your local library, the cafeteria at work or school, etc. featuring works created by women. Invite women’s organizations and the general public to attend the         activity.
    • Organize a fundraising event for a women’s organization or shelter.
    • Ask the students to work on a project about women’s challenges or gender equality. They could write a composition, a poem, a book report, a speech, or do a research paper.
    • Lead a discussion on what students can do in their home, at school or in the community to bring women closer to equality.
    • Launch a photography, video, drawing, poetry or essay contest in your school. Perhaps a local store could offer a prize.
    • Watch the documentary, The Secret Marathon:

Click here to download the pdf

Helpful Resources: Celebrating International Women’s Day

Please contact Pamela Langille, NSTU Staff Liaison for the Status of Women Committee if you have any questions or require additional information at