Education Week 2022 will take place during the week April 24 – 30, 2022. This year’s theme is: Cultural Responsiveness – Meeting Students Where They Are/ La sensibilité culturelle – S’adapter à la situation des élèves.

An in-person ceremony is being planned for April 25, at École du Carrefour in Dartmouth.

Expanded categories of award recipients now include PSAANS members, early childhood educators and student school support staff, Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian educators and student support staff, APSEA teachers and staff, along with NSTU public school members.

Education Week 2022 provides a special opportunity for the education community to acknowledge educators, school support staff and partners for their outstanding work relative to the Education Week theme.

This year’s theme recognizes educators, school support staff and education partners for their outstanding work in recognizing that culture is much bigger than skin colour and race. It is the unique ‘ways of living’ that every child carries with them when they arrive at school each day. Cultural Responsiveness stresses the positive pedagogy of building relationships with students, parents, guardians and community to get to know home cultures. This ensures safe, caring schools where every student sees themselves reflected throughout their learning journey.

La Semaine de l’éducation 2022 offre une occasion spéciale au milieu de l’éducation de souligner le travail exceptionnel des éducateurs, du personnel de soutien et des partenaires en éducation par rapport au thème à l’honneur.

Le thème de cette année met en valeur le travail exceptionnel des éducateurs, du personnel de soutien et des partenaires en éducation qui reconnaissent que la culture va au-delà de la couleur de la peau et de la race. Il s’agit du « mode de vie » unique que chaque enfant apporte chaque jour à l’école. La sensibilité culturelle souligne la pédagogie positive de l’établissement de relations avec les élèves, les parents, les tuteurs et l’ensemble de la communauté pour apprendre à connaître les cultures d’origine. Cela permet d’édifier des écoles bienveillantes et sûres dans lesquelles les élèves se sentent représentés tout au long de leur apprentissage.

Education Week is a cooperative effort among public education stakeholders in Nova Scotia. Public relations/communication staff from the NSTU, and EECD, a director from Nova Scotia Federation of Home and School Associations (NSFHSA), the executive director of the Fédération des parents acadiens de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FPANE), along with representatives from the Public School Administrators Association of Nova Scotia, Council on African Canadian Education, and Council of Mi’kmaq Education serve on the committee, and a representative from the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority (APSEA). The chair of the committee rotates between the partners. Janet Walsh from the NSFHSA is chairing the 2021-2022 committee.

Click here to download a list of winners

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