Program Development Assistance Fund

  • Applications must be received by the first day of February, April, June, August, October and December.

  • If the deadline falls on a holiday or weekend we will accept applications until 4:00 pm the next business day.

PDAF Background and Application information


In a contractual agreement between the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and the Nova Scotia Department of Education, an annual sum of $200,000 is allocated for the purpose of encouraging innovative and unique program development in Nova Scotia's schools. Projects funded or assisted under PDAF must be directly related to the Public School Program.

PDAF is intended to encourage innovative ideas at the local school level which significantly and directly enhance the delivery of programs and services to students. Innovation may include, but is not limited to, taking an established curriculum practice or program and using this in a new and unique way. PDAF provides teachers with financial support to initiate creative and innovative teaching practices. As a result of this support, students benefit from enhanced learning experiences.

Project Selection

Each project proposal is carefully reviewed by a selection committee made up of educators appointed by the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Projects and proposed materials are reviewed by consultants within the Department of Education. Each application is carefully examined for innovative elements which will enhance the development of unique educational experiences for students in the public schools of Nova Scotia.

To help ensure that your project application meets the criteria for innovation, please consult the project summaries provided to help you confirm that your application describes a unique and innovative project or approach.

Applicant Criterion

Applicants must be active NSTU members and teaching in the current school year.

Teachers are eligible to submit one PDAF application per school year.

Application Deadlines

Applications must be received by the first day of February, April, June, August, October and December. The PDAF Committee meets to review applications on or about the fourth week of these months. After this meeting, applicants will be informed in writing of the committee's decision.

Application form in PDF format ( English / French ).

For further information

Phone:  477-5621 or toll free 1-800-565-6788

Mailing Address:
Program Development Assistance Fund
c/o Nova Scotia Teachers Union
3106 Joseph Howe Drive
Halifax, Nova Scotia  B3L 4L7