Regional Representative Councils

Regional Representative Councils (RRCs) represent the interest of NSTU Locals within the jurisdiction of regional school boards, and include executive participation from the Local. They are responsible for maintenance of professional development and economic welfare benefits from each school board.

NSTU Constitution Article IX — Regional Governance

1. There shall be 7 local regions representing the membership of the following Locals:

Annapolis Valley Region - Website
Annapolis Local, Hants West Local, Kings Local
Cape Breton-Victoria Region
Cape Breton District Local, Northside-Victoria Local  
Chignecto Region
Pictou Local, Colchester-East Hants Local, Cumberland Local
Halifax Region
Halifax City Local, Dartmouth Local, Halifax County Local
South Shore Region
Lunenburg County Local, Queens Local  
Strait Region
Antigonish Local, Guysborough County Local, Inverness Local, Richmond Local
Tri-County Region
Digby Local, Shelburne County Local, Yarmouth Local