For further information

Phone:  902-477-5621 or toll free 1-800-565-6788

Professional Learning Workshops & Presentations

The Nova Scotia Teachers Union has the in-house expertise to provide professional learning opportunities covering a wide range of topics supportive of members learning and practice. The workshops available are listed below.

Over the next year, the Professional Learning team will be looking to review our current workshop offerings. If you would like to offer any suggestions, please feel free to complete the following form. All submissions will be reviewed and the new PL offerings will be posted in August 2022. Stay tuned!

NSTU Facilitated Workshops & Presentations

Click on the desired category to view sessions facilitated by NSTU staff

Contracts & Benefits Professional Learning Governance Wellness

Contracts & Benefits

Article 60 Professional Development Fund
A presentation detailing the Article 60 Professional Development Fund regime across Nova Scotia.

Collective Bargaining (Regional/Public School)
A presentation setting out the Provincial and Regional collective bargaining regimes.

A session to discuss policy and legal context within which members address parental and other harassment concerns.

Maternity/Adoption/Parental Leave
A presentation describing the maternity, parental and adoption leave provisions found in NSTU collective agreements and relevant legislation.

Nova Scotia Teachers Union - Legislative & Contractual Regime
An overview of the various statutory and contractual provisions that apply to NSTU members.

A presentation describing the Teachers’ Pension Plan regime including discussion of CPP integration and relevant financial and other benefits at retirement.

Social Media and Teachers
This presentation focuses on the appropriate use of social media by members in both a professional and a personal context.

Substitute Teaching
A session describing the rights and responsibilities of substitute teachers with reference to the provincial and regional collective agreements.

Teachers and the Law
A presentation designed to provide a framework of the legal context NSTU members work within.

Teacher Certification in Nova Scotia
This presentation provides an overview of the certification framework in Nova Scotia, including the classes of certification, undergraduate studies requirements, endorsation, increasing certificate classification (i.e. upgrading), and teacher mobility within Canada.

Term Teachers
A session customized for each region outlining contractual rights and responsibilities of term teachers.

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Professional Learning

Workshops under professional learning are all available in French in English

Introducing New Members to the NSTU
Over recent years, many new members have joined the ranks of the NSTU. As new members they are unaware of the benefits, both negotiated and non-negotiated, that are available to them. This session highlights the benefits that new members should be immediately aware of when they begin their teaching career. After the session teachers receive new member kits which contain the Early Career Teacher Handbook, the Benefits of Union Membership Handbook, the New Member’s Guide to the NSTU Handbook and much more. This session usually lasts about 45 minutes.
Available in French and English

Understanding Myths and Misconceptions about LGBTQ2 Youth at School
This presentation is meant to get educators thinking about Myths and Misconceptions of LGBTQ2 students in their schools, families and communities. This presentation includes a short article by Dr. Kristopher Wells whose research focuses on sexual and gender minority issues. There will be time built into the presentation to read the short article. There will be small group as well as whole group discussion for participants to share their thoughts, experiences and questions. This presentation is approximately one hour in length.

Welcoming Gender Diversity in Schools and Classrooms
This presentation is meant to get educators thinking about Welcoming Gender Diversity in Schools and Classrooms in a respectful and safe way. In this presentation, there is a short article by Dr. Lee Airton, assistant professor at Queen’s University. There will be time built into the presentation to read the article. There will be small group as well as whole group discussion for participants to share their thoughts, experiences and questions. This presentation is approximately one hour in length.

Self-directed Learning with the Support of NSTU Grants
Teachers engage in professional learning throughout their career to stay current in new pedagogical practices. Are you wondering how you could help finance your professional learning? This presentation highlights the grants and opportunities available through the NSTU, how to access application forms, and selection criteria for various grants. This presentation is 30 minutes in length.

The Well Teacher
This workshop is a partnership with our Member Assistance Program personnel and gives members the opportunity to reflect on their own professional and personal practices with a goal to develop healthy(ier) self-care habits and work-life balance through practical strategies, resources and information on how to build their support team.
Available in English and French.

Qualities of Effective Teachers
Why did you become a teacher? What motivates you to keep teaching? This presentation highlights the difference between a job and a profession and highlights some of the key traits found in great teachers. This presentation is approximately 45 minutes to an hour.

Working Successfully with Others: The Dynamics of Group Work
Group work and committee work are intrinsic to teaching and leadership. This interactive and fun workshop will make you think about the qualities you bring to a team and help you recognize the strengths of others in your groups. This presentation is loosely based on the “Compass Points” / “Colours” presentations previously presented at the NSTU.

Your Money, Your Benefits, Your Union
This workshop highlights the benefits and services provided by the NSTU to its membership. Given the recent raise in Union Dues it is more important than ever that members realize that they have many important benefits and services that are provided by their Union. This session is interactive and can be tailored for 30, 45, or 60 minutes.
Available in French and English

Cultivating Inclusive Learning Spaces
A workshop that provides practical tools for meeting the needs of our students from a culturally responsive and trauma-informed lens.

Supporting the needs of our Gender-Diverse Students
Dispelling the myths, becoming comfortable with pronouns and supporting our students who may be in the process of questioning their own gender identity and/or sexual orientation and reviewing the role of the ally.

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Parliamentary Procedures
A session detailing commonly referred to parliamentary rules as set out in Robert’s Rules of Order.

A session describing the NSTU Resolutions process from initial stages to Annual Council and beyond.

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The Early Intervention Program
Provides information on the EIP program.

Provides information to ensure members are set up properly in the environment where they work so that they are using correct body mechanics and posture to assist with injury prevention, symptom management and work day tolerance.

For further information

Phone:  902-477-5621 or toll free 1-800-565-6788