The Hunter Resource Centre


From time to time, the NSTU will undertake or commission studies on issues of current interest that are having, or will have, a considerable impact on the state and quality of public education or on the working conditions of its members

As professionals with hands-on experience in the education arena, the NSTU is well placed to prepare or commission these studies as a basis for its own policy decisions as well as its belief in advancing education and the professionalism of teachers by influencing  decisions made by its education partners.

Please click on the links below to access studies of interest:

Position Papers

From time to time, the Provincial Executive or Annual Council will direct standing or ad hoc committees to research and prepare position papers on issues of current interest that has, or will have, an impact on the state and quality of public education.

As professionals, with hands-on experience in the education arena, the NSTU's highly educated membership helps prepare documents with the view to direct its own policies, as well as influence decisions made by its education partners.

The list below also includes papers and reports prepared with our partners.

Click on the document title to view:

Survey Results

Stress and Strain in the Nova Scotia Teachers Union Membership

Reports prepared by the CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Saint Mary's University are now available.  You may access these documents by clicking on the title of the one you wish to view: