Policy Review 2022 - NSTU Governance

11.   Policy Procedures

  1. Authority

Council’s authority to set and amend Policy is outlined in the NSTU Constitution.

  1. Operational Principles

NSTU policy is:

  1. the Union’s official position on issues of significant weight to the membership;
  2. formulated with input from the membership;
  3. determined as a result of an Annual Council resolution, and recorded in Council’s official minutes;
  4. stated in clear and concise language;
  5. published and updated as necessary;
  6. supplemented with position papers where appropriate; and,
  7. reviewed in a six-year cycle.
  1. Development
  1. Step One Identification

Using one or more of the following:

  1. resolutions to Council
  2. focus groups
  3. surveys
  4. public forums
  1. Step Two Data Collection

Using one or more of the following:

  1. literature research by staff, Standing Committee, or ad hoc committee
  2. workshops at the Local and/or Regional level
  3. workshops at the Professional Association level
  4. questionnaires
  1. Step Three Confirmation

By resolution to Annual Council

  1. Parameters
  1. Definition

NSTU policy is a statement reflecting a goal, value, or belief of the Union used to guide decisions of the organization.

  1. Role

An NSTU policy statement communicates the Union’s position on an issue. An NSTU policy statement provides the context for decision-making and action on an issue.

Reference: January, 2002

  1. Review Procedures

The review procedure will be conducted with the Provincial Executive in the fall of each year under the coordination of the Governance and Policy Committee Chair (or designate) and the staff liaison.

  1. Step One

Policy is forwarded to the appropriate NSTU Committee(s) for analysis and recommendation.

  1. Step Two

The NSTU Governance and Policy Committee compiles step one results and provides the Provincial Executive with a set of recommendations concerning policies under review.

  1. Step Three

The Provincial Executive adopts resolutions to Annual Council regarding policies under review recommended for amendment or to be rescinded.  Reaffirmed policy shall be so noted in the Guidebook along with the Provincial Executive meeting date on which the reaffirmation took place.

  1. Step Four

  When existing policy is being recommended for amendment, new words be in bold and deleted language be crossed out.

Reference: June 5, 2004; April 30, 2009, June 2011

  1. Documentation, Circulation, and Communication
  1. NSTU policies shall be compiled in a single document of statements. Policy statements will generally not exceed 100 words.
  2. NSTU Policy and Position Papers will be posted on the website.
  3. Policy will be communicated using one or more of the following:
  1. NSTU Guidebook
  2. Information Sessions
  3. Column in The Teacher

Reference: Provincial Executive, October, 1997, September 2013

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