Guidebook excerpt

Standing Order 14 Awards

(a) The Provincial Executive may from time-to-time recognize outstanding contributions of Members by the means and under the conditions, which follow:

(b) Life Membership Award which shall be:

    (i)  a certificate and pin;

    (ii) awarded for displaying consistently high qualities of leadership, performance and service to education, the teaching profession or to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union; and,

    (iii) awarded at the sole discretion of the Provincial Executive.

Life Membership Award

The Life Membership Award is awarded to recognize from time-to-time the outstanding contributions of members. The Life Membership Award is the highest honour that the Provincial Executive can confer upon a member.

Life Membership Recipients

Sister Georgina Hannigan February 23, 1974
Robert Goudey April 23, 1977
Margaret (Peggy) Davidson November 24, 1978
Marion MacKinnon April 29, 1978
Dr. Fred Butler April 29, 1978
Christina MacDonald May 5, 1979
Mary Ellen Carpenter February 22, 2007
Mary Lou Donnelly March 30, 2012
Shelley Morse April 6, 2017
Hope Lemoine April 29, 2022

Guidebook excerpt

Standing Order 14 Awards

(a)   The Provincial Executive may from time-to-time recognize outstanding contributions of Members by the means and under the conditions, which follow:

(b)   Life Membership Award which shall be:

(i)    a certificate and pin;

(ii)   awarded for displaying consistently high qualities of leadership, performance and service to education, the teaching profession or to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union; and,

(iii)  awarded at the sole discretion of the Provincial Executive.

NSTU Operational Procedures excerpt

27.      Awards

Note: Standing Order 14 of the NSTU Constitution confers authority to the Provincial Executive to grant Life Membership Awards, Special Awards and Local Service Awards. Article I (6) of the NSTU By-Laws creates a category of membership called Honourary Member and confers authority to the Annual Council to grant this membership.

B. Life Membership Award

1. Purpose:

  • To recognize from time to time the outstanding contributions of members. The Life Membership Award is the highest honour that the Provincial Executive can confer upon a member.

11. Criteria:

  • a. The member must be retiring from the profession, after having displayed consistently high qualities of leadership, performance and serve to education, the teaching profession or the NSTU.
  • b. The member must have given service to the Union and the profession by having served in progressively more challenging positions at the Local or Regional level and at the Provincial level. Candidates must have given a munimum of twenty (20) years of active service to the Union and the profession.
  • c. The Member must be a leader, who is recogized by peers, as a person whose dedication to education and unionism is both outstanding and meritorious.

111. Applications:

  • a. Candidates can be nonminated by any member of the NSTU Provincial Executive by completing the appropriate application from and sumbitting the form to the President of the NSTU no later than the last business day of the week before the March Provincial Executive Meeting.
  • b. Application forms must be completed in detail includig the names of three (3) references who can be contacted by the selection committee if needed.

IV. Selection Process;

  • a. The Provincial Executive shall annually from among its members appoint three (3) persons and at least one (1) alternate who will serve as the Awards Selection Committee. Should any member of this Committee be a person who has submitted an application on behalf of another member, or be a member from a Local for whom a candidate has been nominated, Committee member shall declare a conflict of interest and refrain from participating in the selection process.
  • b. Ordinarily one (1) Life Membership Award be given in any year. There is no obligation to give an award each year.
  • c. The Awards Selection Comittee may contact the nominated candidate(s) and/or the references to obtain additional information.
  • d. If there are mulitple nominations recieved by the Awards Selection Committee, the Committee shall rank the candidates and make its recommendation to the Provincial Executive by no later than the April meeting of the Provincial Executive.

V. Presentation of the Award:

  • a. The Life Membership Award which consists of a certificate, a pin, and paid life membership in the RTO shall be presented to the nominee by the NSTU President at the Annual Council.
  • b. The Teacher shall publish the name of the mbmer, a picture and a short biography in an edition of The Teacher following Annual Council.

Guidebook excerpt

Standing Order 14 Awards

(a) The Provincial Executive may from time-to-time recognize outstanding contributions of Members by the means and under the conditions, which follow:

(b) Life Membership Award which shall be:

    (i)  a certificate and pin;

    (ii) awarded for displaying consistently high qualities of leadership, performance and service to education, the teaching profession or to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union; and,

    (iii) awarded at the sole discretion of the Provincial Executive.