NSTU Growth Grants fund teacher-directed professional learning opportunities for groups of two or more teachers wishing to pursue professional learning focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion. Inclusive education is a commitment to ensuring a high-quality, culturally and linguistically responsive and equitable education to support the well-being and achievement of every student.

Teachers are invited to identify and plan a professional learning experience(s). The following are some examples of the types of professional learning experiences that may be funded by a Growth Grant:

▪ Professional learning workshops;
▪ Teacher-to-Teacher visits for sharing best practices;
▪ Guest speakers/presenters/workshop facilitators including community elders, cultural leaders, etc.;
▪ Community connection pursuits to better understand students’ lived experience

Funding is awarded based on the merits of each application and the Growth Grant funding. Regional representation will also be a consideration if there is limited funding. Please note that approved grants will be shared with the system in a format to be announced at a future date. The Growth Grant Committee uses the following rubric to assess the merits of each application.


  • Does the professional learning plan advance the teachers’ professional practice around diversity, inclusion and equity?
  • Is the goal of the professional learning plan clearly stated? Is the goal likely to be achieved given the details provided in the proposal?
  • Is the professional learning plan clearly stated in the application, well organized and thoughtfully presented?
  • Will the professional learning plan impact student achievement and wellbeing for students who are historically marginalized and racialized (African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw students) or who come from other groups that have been traditionally under-represented and under-served, including, but not limited to, students with special needs and those struggling with poverty?
  • Does the application include a detailed budget with the specific costs outlined for each item, including the purpose of each item in relation to the professional learning plan?
  • Does the application clearly outline details such as timing, and any necessary supports or capacity issues that need to be considered and mitigated?

Click here to download the application form