The President's Column

The President's Column appears regularly in The Teacher.

2020-2021 School Year

Date Title
September 2021 Welcome back!
October 2021 Report to Annual Council 2021 / Rapport à l’AGA du Conseil 2021
November/December 2021

A Season to Act / Une saison propice à l’action

January/February 2022

Breaking New Ground / Un nouveau départ

March 2022

Staying united as we re-enter a system without pandemic restrictions / 

Restons unis alors que nous revenons à un système sans restrictions liées à la pandémie

May 2022

Report to Annual Council 2022 / Rapport pour l’assemblée générale annuelle du Conseil de 2022

June 2022

A Final Word / Un dernier mot

2020-2021 School Year

Date Title
September 2020 Welcome back!
October 2020 Solidarity Matters / La solidarité, ça compte
November/December 2020 Applying Our Wins to Our Challenges / Mettons nos victoires au service de nos défis
January/February 2021 Taking our cue for 2021 / Prenons position pour 2021
March 2021 Hope springs eternal / L’espoir est éternel
June 2021 Summer: A season to recharge and reflect / L’été : Une saison pour se ressourcer et réfléchir


2019-2020 School Year

Date Title
September 2019 Welcome back!
October 2019 Women leaders #MakeAnImpact / Les femmes leaders #OnInfluence
November/December 2019 And then, it was December / Et puis, on est déjà en décembre
January/February 2020 A Big, Happy New Year / Une belle et heureuse nouvelle année
March 2020 NSTU Members Take the Lead / Des membres du NSTU prennent l’initiative
April/May 2020 Mourning our shared loss / Nous sommes tous en deuil
June 2020 A Season to Rest – and Work / Une saison pour se reposer – et travailler


2018-2019 School Year

Date Title
October 2018 Remembering, reconnecting and recharging in a restorative way / Se rappeler, se rapprocher et se ressourcer, selon une perspective réparatrice
November/December 2018 The greatest power we have is in each other / Notre pouvoir essentiel réside dans notre appui mutuel
January/February 2019 Strengthening hope through shared action / Renforcer l’espoir grâce à l’action commune
March 2019 Better is Possible / Nous pouvons faire mieux
May 2019 Report to Annual Council 2019 / Rapport à l’AGA du Conseil – 2019
June 2019 Reflecting on a year of change and growth / Réflexions sur une année de changement et de croissance


2017-2018 School Year

Date Title
October 2017 Drawing strength through solidarity / Puisons notre force dans la solidarité
November/December 2017 Strength through solidarity / C’est la solidarité qui fait notre force
January/February 2018 Education review recommendations will cause chaos / Les recommandations de l’examen de l’éducation vont engendrer le chaos
April 2018 Much work to do to ensure inclusive education works for students / Beaucoup de travail reste à faire pour faire en sorte que l’intégration dans l’éducation fonctionne pour les élèves
May 2018 Report to Annual Council 2018 / Rapport à l’AGA du Conseil 2018
June 2018 It’s time to remember, reconnect and recharge / Le moment est venu de nous souvenir, de nous reconnecter et de recharger nos batteries


2016-2017 School Year

Date Title
September 2016 Welcome Back!
October 2016 Strike Vote for public school members called for October 25
November/December 2016 A challenging and empowering year
March 2017 Remaining strong, united and proud
March 2017 Bill 75 Charter Challenge in the Works
April 2017 Moving forward under an imposed contract
May 2017 Resolve to stay #NSTUnited
June 2017 Report to Annual Council 2017 / Rapport à l’AGA du Conseil 2017


2015-2016 School Year

Date Title
September 2015 Welcome Back!
October 2015 October PD Day provides forum for relevant professional learning
December 2015 Remaining united and strong is key
January/February 2016 NSTU members inspire
March 2016 Violence in the Workplace
May 2016 Report to Council 2016
June 2016 Austerity budgets do little for the public good


2014-2015 School Year

Date Title
September 2014 Welcome Back!
October 2014 Poverty and Education in Nova Scotia
November/December 2014 Highlighting the many ways our members make a difference
January/February 2015 Equity in education key to student success
March 2015 International Women's Day an important one for teachers
May 2015 Respect Respond Rejuvenate
June 2015 Report to Council 2015


2013-2014 School Year

Date Title
September 2013 Welcome Back!
October 2013 World Teachers' Day
November/December 2013 Teachers Make a Difference Every Day
January/February 2014 Appreciating our contribution to students and communities
March 2014 Performance-based pay doesn't work for the teaching profession
April 2014 Education Week
May 2014 Working conditions significantly affect teacher work-life balance
June 2014 Report to Council 2014


2012-2013 School Year

Date Title
September 2012 Welcome Back!
October 19, 2012 School board members play a vital role in public education
November 9, 2012 What Really Matters in Schools Today?
November 23, 2012 Bullying prevention takes a collaborative approach
December 17, 2012 The difference teachers make in the lives of their students
January 18, 2013 Bill C-377 - An Invasion of Privacy
February 1, 2013 The Human Library
February 15, 2013 Teacher Appreciation
March 8, 2013 International Women's Day
April 26, 2013 Education Week
May 13, 2013 Ending violence against women
June 24, 2013 President's Message


2011-2012 School Year

Date Title
September 2011 Welcome Back!
October 2011 The steps to the new provincial agreement
Nov./Dec. 2011 The real "Back to Balance" should be in health and wellness
Jan/Feb 2012 Fighting Education Cuts
March 2012 Tell the Truth Minister Jennex
May 2012 NSTU Upset with Minister's Remarks
June 2012 A Final Message


2010-2011 School Year

Date Title
September 2010 Welcome Back!
October 2010 Hold your head up high—we are doing well
Nov./Dec. 2010 Breaking the Mold, Breaking the Silence
Jan./Feb. 2011 Perhaps we've been doing too good a job
March 2011 Taking Heart During Troublesome Times
May 2011 Defending our Professionalism
June 2011 Moving forward united


2009-2010 School Year

Date Title
October 2009 It's all about Fairness and Equity
November 2009 Message from the President
December 2009 Fall 2009 Overview
January 2010 We cannot do any more with any less
February 2010 Does “Fewer” mean “Better”?
March 2010 Did you know?
May 2010 Public Education is where it all begins
June 2010 What a difference a year makes


2008-2009 School Year

Date Title
October 2008 Growing awareness of Cyberbullying in schools
November 2008 Helping to support impoverished children
December 2008 At lantic Canadian teachers share concerns with colleagues in Nunavut
January 2009 Are labour rights human rights?
February 2009 Public Education: Our Best Investment!
March 2009 The new provincial agreement—support for a number of our issues
May 2009 Making a difference in the global community
June 2009 Past, Present and Future