Local Service Award Recipients - 2019


Allister Wadden

Allister Wadden was a dedicated NSTU member and a strong union activist. He was generous with his time and worked extremely hard for and with teachers for many years through his varied roles within the NSTU.

Allister was passionate about unionism and activism, and his forte was his knowledge of the Local Constitution and Operational Procedures.

Allister worked tirelessly on behalf of teachers locally, regionally, and provincially, representing his union brothers and sisters from the Annapolis Valley on the Provincial Executive. While there, he was a Table Officer, and was elected 2nd VP by the members at the table. Allister served on many committees at the provincial level: Member Services, Professional Development, Nominating, Professional Associations Coordination, Personnel, Professional and Governance and Policy.

Allister passed away unexpectedly in December, 2018. His loss has left a large void in our local, our regional and our provincial NSTU organization.  


Tammy Landry

For the past thirty years, Tammy has worked tirelessly for members.  Tammy is a fountain of information, a fair and firm negotiator and a solid counsellor on union affairs.  For many years, Tammy has been the go-to person for union advice and professional support in Antigonish and Guysborough Counties and beyond.

Tammy has been dedicated to her profession as a Music Teacher, and has long been committed to The Nova Scotia Music Educators' Association (NSMEA), serving faithfully in all aspects of their executive.  Tammy has worked on behalf of NSTU colleagues in both Antigonish and Guysborough locals and in the Strait Region.  She was a long time school representative, Local President in both areas, RRC Chair for the Strait, Co-chair of the Strait Professional Development Committee (SRISD) and is a respected and dynamic member of the Provincial Executive (2010-2014 and 2018-present).


Shawna Mackay

Shawna has a Masters of Education in both Deaf Education, from the Université de Moncton, and Blind/Visually Impaired Education. She has been teaching for many years, working throughout the Maritimes for APSEA as a teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing after spending part of her career in British Columbia. This experience provided her with the opportunity to teach both hearing impaired and visually impaired students in the lower mainland. Shawna will be retiring soon after a career of helping students on both coasts.

Shawna has served two terms as the APSEA Local 1st VP, and as a regional rep. She has also filled roles on our negotiations committee, teacher management committee, nominations committee, and has acted for many years as the chair of the social committee.

Shawna is married with a son and lives in Enfield with her husband and two dogs.

Colchester–East Hants

Eileen Dwyer-Crane

Eileen Dwyer-Crane is very deserving of a Local Service Award. Prior to her retirement last year, Eileen dedicated thirty-six years of her life to the teaching profession, and twenty of these years were dedicated to involvement in the NSTU as a School Representative for Shubenacadie District Elementary School and then Enfield District Elementary School.  Eileen was a School Rep who took her position very seriously in both disseminating NSTU information to her staff and in supporting her colleagues with any questions or needs they may have had.  In all the years Eileen was a School Rep, she rarely missed a meeting and was a voice for the teachers at her schools. Eileen continues to support the NSTU in her retirement.

Eileen’s dedication to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and her passion for teaching.


Ian LeBlanc

Lors de ses voyages, son enseignement en Chine et 12 ans ici au CSAP, Ian LeBlanc a requis des grandes connaissances en sociologie, géographie, culture et histoire. Il est très respecté par ses élèves ainsi que ses collègues. Ian est toujours prêt pour une aventure et de partager le goût de voyager avec les autres. Depuis quelques années, il a organisé des voyages avec les élèves en Chine, Europe et Costa Rica.

Ian continue à dévoué son temps aux membres du CSANE et à siéger sur le comité de Programmation Acadienne et le comité PEWC au NSTU. Il a siégé comme membre associé du Sud-Ouest et président de l’exécutif du CSANE. De plus, Ian représentera les membres du CSANE à la table de l’exécutif provincial l’année prochaine.

Merci pour ton dévouement au NSTU et aux membres du CSANE.

Mélanie Belliveau

Depuis 7 ans d’enseignement, Mélanie Belliveau a enseigné à Truro Junior High et l’École acadienne de Pomquet Mélanie est très respectée par les élèves, ses collègues et est toujours prête à appuyer en toutes situations. Son énergie positive rayonne en salle de classe autant que dans le salon du personnel!

Mélanie est impliquée avec le NSTU depuis 2014, comme membre associé de l’exécutif du CSANE, vice-présidente des affaires publiques et les relations publiques et a siégé comme membre du Conseil pour l’amélioration des conditions en salle de classe. Mélanie a représenté les membres du CSANE avec compétence, une voix forte et tenait toujours l’enseignement et l’apprentissage à coeur. Mélanie siège aussi sur le comité de Programmation acadienne. 

Mélanie aime beaucoup le camping et La Plage St. Pierre. Elle aime aussi prendre la charge, organiser et cuisiner pour tout le monde! Merci pour ton dévouement aux membres du CSANE.

Jaqueline LeVert

Jacqueline LeVert est une enseignante passionnée, reconnue pour son souci envers ses élèves, ses collègues, son amour de la langue française et sa passion de l’enseignement. Elle est actuellement mentor en communication orale à l’école Beaubassin, respectée par les élèves, parents, enseignants et membres de la communauté.

Originaire de Saint-Joseph du Moine, Jacqueline a fait ses études à NDA, Dalhousie, Mont Saint-Vincent et à l’Université de Moncton. 

Jacqueline a 25 années d’expérience en enseignement et travaille avec le CSAP depuis sa fondation, au Carrefour, Beaubassin, entre autres comme directrice, et au ministère de l’Éducation. Elle est impliquée, avec le NSTU, depuis une dizaine d’années, comme membre et présidente de L’AEA, vice-présidente de la région centrale et secrétaire de l’exécutif du CSANE.

Mordue de voyages, un bon café ou un verre de vin avec des amis, son plus grand amour sera toujours de passer du temps avec sa famille.


Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson has been involved in the NSTU for many years, serving as Local Rep as well as Cumberland Local Secretary.  She helped plan the Retirement Banquet and attended a few on behalf of her colleagues as well.  We thank her for her creative placards that she made for the Cumberland Local to use as we marched in Halifax, in solidarity.

Lisa started her teaching career in her hometown of Oxford, and then River Hebert.  In 2004, she transferred to EB Chandler where she hangs her hat as a Grade 8 English Teacher.  She holds a Masters of Education Degree from Acadia, focusing on Curriculum Studies. 

Lisa is truly a life-long learner.  She takes it upon herself to stay current in pedagogical practice and has created a warm and supportive environment for her students.  

Nancy Letcher

Nancy Letcher was an NSTU Representative and invaluable member on the Cumberland Professional Development Committee.  She pushed for an expansion in the definition of PD and advocated for the importance of wellness sessions for the membership.  She expanded her union involvement to the Local Executive in her role as VP-Communications.  She put together wonderful newsletters for the Local and was creative in the year end retirement issue of said newsletter.  She was an active participant in working on behalf of the Cumberland membership and brought her passion to several Annual Councils.

Nancy took her many skills into administration and has been a Vice-Principal as well as a Literacy Mentor and Education Services Consultant.  She now teaches a delightful group of Primary students at Spring Street Academy.

Nancy Reid

Nancy has been involved in the Cumberland NSTU for many years, serving as Local Rep.  She was instrumental in September-November in making sure that the Oxford Regional Education teachers were supported when they were displaced to Cyrus Eaton Elementary during their 3 month stay.

Nancy graduated from MSVU in 1988.  She taught her first year in Collingwood (the last year the school was open).  She went on to Wallace Elementary in 1989-2014 and now teaches at Cyrus Eaton in Pugwash.

Nancy advocates strongly for the Cyrus Eaton members and all students in the Pugwash area.  She has a huge heart and always lends a helping hand.  She is missed at our Local meetings of late as she is currently off on leave, supporting her ill husband.  However, she took it upon herself to find a replacement and contact me, showing her character and dedication to unionism. 

Halifax County

William Penney

William (Bill) has long been a strong voice at the local level, having served in a number of capacities in all three metro locals. He started his union service in Halifax City before moving to Halifax County and then on to Dartmouth, where he served a number of years on their local executive. Bill is currently serving as an alternate rep Sir John A. MacDonald high school in Tantallon.

Kelly Osborne-Barteaux

Kelly became involved with the NSTU in 2008 when she was elected a rep for Auburn and was elected into the Women in Education committee. She has been a rep or alternate for the Halifax County Local ever since. She served on many committees over this time including Equity and Reps (twice); Communications (4 times); Social and Wellness (twice). She is also a previous recipient of the NSTU’s “Teachers make a difference” award in 2015-16.

Jim King

Jim was a long-standing advocate of principals being considered primarily as teachers with administrative responsibilities. His passion on this front was clearly displayed during his tireless efforts to maintain the standing of administrators as belonging to the NSTU. A former NSTU staff officer, Jim has now retired from the NSTU.


Betsy Jardine

Betsy began her teaching career at We'koma'q First Nation Community, teaching grade 1.  Over the following 10 years, she worked with students from Grade 1 to Grade 12, with one of her main teaching areas being Junior High Science.

Betsy has been a resource teacher and Reading Recovery teacher at Whycocomagh Education Centre, working to support young readers and writers. She has also worked as a mentor within the SRCE for three years.

Betsy was a school rep for the Inverness local for a number of years, finishing in 2012. During this time she attended Annual Council and represented the NSTALL professional association at Annual Council. She has been active in planning and co-ordinating the October Conference for NSTALL and has always been a contributing member of the school and local community. Betsy will retire this year. Her contributions locally, board-wide and provincially have been many and appreciated by all.


Cathy Townsend-Fuller

Cathy has been in the teaching profession for 35 years. She graduated from MSVU. Cathy taught grade 1 her first year in Freeport, Bahamas. She then taught grade primary at Hantsport School and worked in Special Education at Cornwallis District High School before completing 28 years at Gaspereau Valley Elementary School. Cathy taught grades 4, 5 and 6 before moving to Primary or P/1 for 25 years. Cathy was actively involved with PETA for 15 years; serving as treasurer for 10 of those years. She represented PETA on the Professional Associations Committee for 4 years and attended Annual Council 5 times as their rep. Cathy also was a member of the Sheonoroil Committee and has been a school rep for the last 7 years. Cathy considers her own 3 children as her greatest accomplishment. 

Heather MacLean

Heather graduated with a BSc in Home Economics in 1976 and her BEd in 1977; both from Acadia. Her first job was teaching grades 5-12 Home Economics at Lunenburg Town School. There was no curriculum so Heather developed one. Heather left teaching to parent full time when her children were young. She later became an elected member of the Annapolis District School Board and was part of the amalgamation into the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board. She served as chair of many of the associated committees including Vice-Chair and Chair of the Board for many years. Heather has been teaching at Evangeline Middle School since 2006. She has been actively involved with her Local as school rep, Banquet and Communications committees as well as the REWC. Heather has participated in Annual Council, John Huntley Internship and CONTACT. Heather was a recipient of the NSTU “Teachers Who Make a Difference” award. 

Lunenburg County

Heather Foote

Over her 32 year career, Heather has worked as both a teacher and administrator at Hebbville Academy; RCH and NSISP consultant for the SSRSB; and vice-principal at Park View Education Centre.  She holds B. Mus. And B. Ed degrees from Mt. Allison and M. Ed. Degrees from St. FX and Acadia.

Heather was active in the NSTU Professional Association of NSMEA and SAA and served a term on the TWAR committee.  She presented at conferences and staff PD, organized student summer camps, and worked on provincial initiatives.

She served on school committees including SAC, PEBS, JOHS, and IB, and volunteered with several student extracurricular activities.

In retirement, Heather looks forward to family and leisure time, maintaining a connection with schools, and pursuing her hobbies of running, triathlon, and volunteer work.

Betty-Jean Aucoin

Betty-Jean Aucoin, retired as NSTU Executive Staff Officer in PD from 2008 - 2018. Prior to the NSTU, Betty Jean had been in education for 21 years as a teacher, principal and Coordinator for the SSRSB, and associate professor at STFXU. Betty-Jean was SAA's Administrator of the Year in 2000 and received the Golden Leaf Writers Award for her article, Tool Box for Administrators in 2005. Betty Jean was Corporate Lead for NSTU, SAA CAP 2005 raising over $60,000. Betty-Jean was the president of SAA Lunenburg/Queens and was Co-chair of SAA Conference 2000. She initiated the NSTU's Teacher Induction Program and New Administrators Program for Lunenburg/Queens Local. Betty Jean was a Member of Queens and Lunenburg Local and member of NSLTA, ATYA and SAA. Betty Jean now consults provincially nationally and internationally supporting educators, public education and business.


Damian Hall

Over the last 3 decades, Damian Hall's name has become synonymous with Annual Council and the former Community College Local.  However, Damian began his NSTU involvement with the Pictou Local.  He started as the school rep. for the Pictou Campus of the NSCC on the Pictou Local in 1989-90.  He would later move on to become the VP of Professional Development where he played an important role in the development of mental health workshops, fair distribution of Article 60 funds, and organization of the first ever Rep. Retreat.

Although Damian Hall's service to the NSTU could be clouded by the amalgamation era of the 90s, the rise and eventual independence of the Community College Local, there is no doubt that he spent his entire career as an NSTU member and contributed to his union in every step.

The Pictou Local is proud to nominate Damian Hall for this deserving honour. 

Shelburne County

Leah Weare

The Shelburne County Local NSTU is seeking approval from the Provincial Executive for our Local Service Award nominee, Leah Weare. 

Leah has 25 years of service in the teaching profession. She has taught French, grade two, three, four, five and six in both Shelburne and Queen's County.

Leah has served as a school representative for nine years. She has served on various committees for the Local including Social/Wellness, Retirement, and Education Week. Leah's contribution has and continues to be outstanding and greatly beneficial to promoting and advancing the objective of the Local and Provincial NSTU.


Patty Kenney

Teacher since 1979. 4 years teaching in Nunavut and NWT, 29 in Nova Scotia and a few years substituting.

Patty served as school rep, on Resource Centre committee and longest committee membership is the current PD committee. Has attended summer Contact conference.

Patty grew up on a farm in western PEI, the youngest of six. She attended UNB Fredericton, completing a four year Bachelor of Education. Her first teaching job took her to the NWT, to what is now known as Nunavut. After seven years, Patty moved south and then back east. She has two very scientific sons, one in PEI and the other in the Netherlands. She has just recently began a new life with her fiancé, Brad, and they have lots of happy plans in our future as she joins him in retirement at the end of June after many happy years as mostly a Primary teacher.

Robyn McKenzie

Robyn went from a Dalhousie Medical School dropout to IBM Systems Analyst for hospitals in Montreal to back home in "88. She became a teacher in 1992 (Dalhousie), Robyn worked in Adult Education for a year, then signed on at YCMHS in '93. Her biggest accomplishment was mentoring robotics where her teams competed at Dalhousie Robots East scoring trophies in all categories as well as best overall. This hands on activity is the epitome of project based learning and inspired many students to study engineering and science based professions. Robyn was awarded the Canadian Association of Physicists Award for Excellence in Teaching (Atlantic Region) in 2010. In 2011, she has since taught Physics 11, 12 academic and IB Physics and math .

My pride and joy is my son, as it was just him and me throughout. He is a military piper with the 48th Highlanders stationed in Toronto. 

Trudy Comeau

Trudy has been teaching for 29 years in NS. Trudy has been a local representative at her school, served as VP of PA/PR at the local level, and is presently serving on Article 60 and the Tri-County RRC.

Trudy first started teaching at YCMHS 29 years ago as a senior high Economics and Mathematics teacher. She has spent her teaching career at Yarmouth High teaching various levels of math and for the last ten plus years her teaching has concentrated on the IB Math, Pre-Calculus and Calculus. She has worked as Math Coach and is presently the Math Consultant for the TCRCE.

She has served on numerous mathematics committees including curriculum and assessment both at the local and provincial level. Trudy is married with a daughter and son and lives at Eel Lake with her husband and two German shepherds.