Association of Teachers of Young Adolescents

Back "At  Ya!"

Friday, October 28, 2022

Registration will open at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2022
Registration closes at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 14, 2022

(No refunds after October 14th)


Riverside Education Centre
Milford, Nova Scotia

Click on map to access directions


Dawn Chapman -

Conference Fees

  • Members:  $90.00
  • Substitutes / Retirees / Pre-Service Teachers:  $80.00

As per NSTU Operational Procedure 14 E. IV.: receipts of payment and attendance will not be distributed until the conference has concluded.

Conference Agenda:  

8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Welcome and Introduction of Keynote
9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Keynote - Doreen Coady Shadbolt
10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. - 12:00 noon Session A
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Session B
2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Distribution of receipts and AGM

Keynote - Doreen Coady Shadbolt

Doreen Coady Shadbolt is a registered Psychologist with over 30 years of experience working with children, youth and families in a variety of clinical and educational settings.  Retired as the Child and Youth Consultant from the Nova Scotia Health Authority  in 2019, she now works in a private practice providing treatment and consultation.

The Mental Health Community speaks about risk and protective factors as the key to understanding resilience. Risk and protective factors are characteristics of individuals, their families and their communities or environments that either increase (protective factors) or decrease (risk factors) the likelihood that a young person will be resilient. In essence, protective factors help to protect children and youth from the negative effects of risk factors. But what exactly does it mean and how can adults foster this ability in youth? This interactive presentation will help educators address fostering the development of resilience by establishing connections and relationships.  

Full Day Session

10:45 a.m. -12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. 
(Max. participants/session is 25)

FD  Painting Session
(Helen Boucher- artist and retired E.A.)
Come and spend both the morning and the afternoon session laughing and creating as you encourage each other through the steps to creating your own painting. Show off your drawing skills and try your hand at watercolor painting. Enjoy a relaxing day of well deserved creative time.

Sessions A & B

Workshops A 10:45 a.m.-12:00 noon and Workshops B 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.  
(Max. participants/session is 25 except A9/B9 which has a maximum of 12 participants)

A2/B2. Human Trafficking 
(Michelle Harrison- RCMP)
Michelle will be speaking about what Human Trafficking is (in all forms), stats and predominance in our areas, trends, warning signs and what to do if you suspect one of your students is being groomed.

A3/B3.  Domestic Violence -Neighbours, Friends and Family
(Lydia Quinn-Intimate Partner Violence Case Coordinator for RCMP)
Neighbours, Friends and Family is a campaign to raise awareness of intimate partner violence so people close to an at-risk woman or a person using abuse can detect signs and help. Gender Based Violence is a serious and pervasive problem in Nova Scotia. Often those close to women who are experiencing abuse are at a loss as to how to support and/or help them. Similarly, those close to an abusive man are uncomfortable or unwilling to acknowledge his behavior. Neighbours, Friends and Families is a powerful educational tool which can be used to raise awareness of the issues surrounding gender based violence for both women and men.

A4/B4. Yoga 
(Angus Horsman- Registered 200hr Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance International)
Traditional yoga with Angus is a calm, relaxing and a more meditative yoga practice designed to quiet our minds and relax our bodies. A perfect class for beginners, senior’s and anyone who would enjoy a calm and simple yoga practice at a gentle pace.
Angus will guide you all safely through a Traditional Hatha Raja yoga practice aimed to fully ease our bodies and our minds from stress and tension. Leaving us feeling calm and refreshed with peace in our hearts and clarity in our mind.

A5/B5. Inquiry based teaching to support the new Grade 7-8 curriculum
(Angela Sanford-Literacy mentor for Nova Family)
Participants will investigate inquiry based learning, limited to open inquiry, through a workshop model – explicit teaching, shared practice, and independent practice. Teachers will develop an inquiry based lesson plan around current curricula outcomes, with collaboration, feedback and guidance, ready to implement in their classrooms.

A6/B6.  Youth Project - the Youth Project is a non-profit organization that supports 2SLGBTQIA+
(Nick Basset)
In this workshop, we will first offer participants an in-depth introduction to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, gender expansiveness beyond the gender binary, and gender dysphoria, euphoria, and transition. Following this, we will offer participants a framework and tangible, actionable items to create a space that is safe, inclusive, and affirming for the 2SLGBTQIA+ people that access your services.

A7/B7. Working Alongside our Students in a Math Thinking Classroom
(Sara Thomson and Chirstine Richardson- elementary Math mentors)
Non-Permanent Vertical Surfaces? Random groups of 3?  Rich Non-Curricular and Curricular Tasks?  These are the buzzwords associated with Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl.  Through his extensive classroom based research Dr. Liljedahl has found that there are 14 practices that positively impact student thinking and in this session we will introduce you to the first three components which make up Toolkit #1. When implemented together these foundational practices will disrupt traditional studenting behaviours such as mimicking and rote memorization which negatively influence the development of confident problem solvers. Implementing these three components will support a classroom and instructional environment where students become problem solvers through collaboration, risk taking and building on individual strengths in an inclusive classroom.  

A8/B8. Therapy Dog
(Susan Cameron Muyr, St John’s Ambulance)
An  overview of the program will  explain the difference between therapy dogs and service dogs. She will also share  her personal experiences with the program. Then there will be time for questions and answers. Murphy the therapy dog will  be there to spread some love and stress relief to whoever wants it.

A9/B9. Sign language - (Note:  12 people maximum)
(Holly MacDonald- retired teacher, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., CTD)
Introduction to Sign Language Communication in a fun and collaborative way.  Participants will learn the basics - the alphabet, greetings and any requests!  Be prepared to relax, laugh, share and practice!

A10/B10. Caring for Those With Dementia
(Lorraine Tobin -  O.T. and Geriatric Clinician) 
Participants will receive basic information about dementia and the impact this disease has on the individual, caregivers and families. Through an exploration of how dementia affects the brain and behavior across the progression of the disease, participants will learn what to expect throughout the journey with dementia.

A11/B11. Money Mindset
(Steve MacLellan)
This money mindset presentation will review why we feel the way we feel about money and “success”. Steve MacLellan (The Financial Engineer) will then show participants how to increase their relationship with money, their success mindset, while reducing stress and anxiety.  Proven, effective, and easy to implement investment strategies for teachers will also be discussed.

Click here to register

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