PDAF Successful Profiles - Junior/Senior
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Accessing Multiple OSs & Devices for Persons with Disabilities
School: South Colchester Academy
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Lauchie MacKinnon
The technology accessibility project for students with disabilities is designed to have students have a basic understanding of multiple Operating Systems. Students should be able to use the basic accessibility features on any device they log into to access basic needs such as surfing the web and leisure activities. As these systems proliferate, it is important that students gain exposure to ensure success after graduation so they can use a variety of devices for recreation, and employment.
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Hitting the Bull’s Eye
School: Pugwash District High School
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Dan MacDonald
Team Member: Terry Ryan
Educators are constantly seeking ways to improve student motivation, attention, behavior, attendance and focus. Archery is a way to improve all the for mentioned student attributes. By adding archery to our school’s PE program and after school extracurricular activities list, we have the ability to inspire students to find a passion for outdoor activities and the link to life outside of school. It also enables students to experience an activity where safety is paramount which allows students to understand the importance of rule and procedure following. In a rural community, we have a large number of students who are interested in hunting, fishing, camping and outdoor activities. With that said, these students are being underserved in traditional classes and Athletic Programs. By first delivering this program in our classes, we will introduce the club aspect to allow more students become involved with extracurricular life at PDHS. Within neighboring schools and communities who already have Archery gear and the program established, they have set up interschool competitions which allow students to connect and compete with other students in Cumberland County. The really great thing about the Archery in schools program and Archery in general is that it is for all ages, any skill level and can be taught/learned from the Para-sports technique. This will allow any child with a physical disability to actively partake in our program.
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Outdoor Classroom and Supplies
School: Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Grade: 5-12
School Board: Strait Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Brian Boudreau, Mary Beth McCarron, Greg Hadley, Jerome Stewart and Tanya Tobin
The project we are trying to promote is an outdoor classroom. By purchasing some outdoor equipment we will be able to expose students to outdoor survival and life skills. This project hopes to inspire students to connect with the outdoors, valuing their local environment and moving them towards engaged stewardship of their communities. This opportunity would encourage students to think about nature in their everyday lives and create a holistic educational opportunity. It is hard not to be engaged in a multi-sensory environment, there are opportunities for a variety of cross curricular links as multiple staff members are certified with their Outdoor Education Certificates.
Once materials are purchased, students will begin to have new opportunities to connect with their classroom curriculums. Opportunities for students to connect to their outdoor environment are limited. Outdoor classrooms offer hands on learning that is beneficial to those students who may not work well with pen and paper in the classroom. Working outdoors allows students to readily build ideas using their senses and abilities to absorb and take in new information. They learn to appreciate nature and develop an awareness and appreciation for the natural areas in their own communities.
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FUN-ctional Fitness
School: Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Grades: 9-12
School Board: SRSB
Project Coordinator: Mike Stewart
Team Members: Mary Beth McCarron, Jamie Lawlor-MacInnis, Keegan Vosman
With the greater demands on alternate settings to teach physical education and limitations to school budgets, the Physical Education Department at Dr. John Hugh Gillis is looking forward to implementing our project, FUN-ctional Fitness. Through functional training we will use FUN-ctional Fitness to help achieve the fitness outcomes in our grades 9-12 Physical Education Curriculum.
Functional Training are movements, or exercises, that improve a person’s ability to complete their daily activities or to achieve a specific goal. It involves multiple joint movements through different planes of motion using suspension training, bands, body weight resistance and other functional training material that would complement these movements. Our goal is to not only help our students improve their overall fitness, but allow for student success in improved motivation, self-esteem and confidence to be Active For Life using functional training techniques.
The foundation of our program is based upon safety for students and their ability to have success. FUN-ctional Fitness is gender neutral, allowing all students to improve as an individual. We will be offering additional sessions in the form of after-school programs, hoping to work with the school’s Health Centre to improve physical fitness with our student population.
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The Phitbit Challenge
School: Parrsboro Regional High School
Grades: 8,12
School Board: Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Karlene Morris
Team Members: Chara Ross, Susan Stevenson
This project is designed to capitalize on the information provided by Fitbits to motivate Grade 8 students to become more physically active, engaged in the analysis of data, and better able to set SMART goals for personal growth. Students will wear Fitbits to monitor physical activity and responses to exercise. In math class the data will be graphed to look for trends and ways to improve fitness. Math 12 students will further analyze the data to determine whether or not there is a correlation between fitness levels, sleep patterns, attendance, school performance, and other factors identified in the information gathered.
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100 Years: 100 Stories – A Multimedia Centre for BJSHS
School: Bridgewater Jr. Sr. High School
Grade: 7-12
School Board: South Shore Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Erin Dunn
Team Members: Denise McKean, Larry Knapp, Adam McConnell
"In 2014, Bridgewater Jr Sr High School celebrates 100 years of public education on York Street. To commemorate this special event, we are proposing the development of a multimedia centre for students to create a variety of documentaries about the alumni, former staff, building site and current students and staff of BJSHS. The grant will allow us to develop a multi-purpose digital arts space with a green screen, lighting, photography backdrops, black box theatre, and a sound recording space. Our year long project ,“100 Years; 100 Stories”, will bring together our short videos, songs, and digital stories in a May Film Festival open to the public and this Multimedia centre will be the central location for this work."
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Enhancing Collaborative Cross Cultural Language and Literacy Engagement between French and English Students, Schools and School boards in Nova Scotia.
School: Lockeport Regional High
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Tri-County Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Tiffiney Kennedy
Team Members: Stephen Walsh, Amanda Cooke
Lockeport Regional High School will be working collaboratively with students and staff from Centre Scolaire de la Rive Sud to explore a variety of literacy based enhancement projects using the iPad apps and communication abilities. Such projects as: debates, literature circles, poetry readings, creating digital eBooks and sharing those eBooks between students, grades, schools and school boards to compare cultures, insights, language and creativity, peer reviews, research and data collection, will be examples of work used to implement this project. This project intends to enhance engagement of students by using the three General Curriculum outcomes: Reading and Viewing, Writing and Representing and Speaking and Listening. We also intend to employ Universal Design for Learning strategies to represent information in various ways and also offer all students opportunities to show what they know in multiple formats. Our goal is to connect with neighboring communities to collaborate, share, discuss, and evaluate iPad projects completed in class. Enhancing collaborative technological access by using iPads in the classroom will impact learning across all curriculum in the Nova Scotia Public School Program.
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Amélioration collaborative : Engagement de la langue et de la littératie entre les élèves, les écoles et les conseils scolaires anglais et français dans la Nouvelle Écosse
(Enhancing Collaborative Cross Cultural Language and Literacy Engagement between French and English Students, Schools and School Boards in NS)
École : Centre Scolaire de la Rive-Sud
Grade : 7-12
School Board : CSAP
Project Coordinator : Jilien Beaton
Team Members : Laura Connors, Lise Petrie, Alex Godbold
Centre Scolaire de la Rive-Sud travaillera en collaboration avec les étudiants (7e- 12e) et le personnel de Lockeport Regional High School pour explorer une variété de projets d'amélioration d'alphabétisation utilisant les applications iPad et les capacités de communication. Notre projet vise à renforcer l'engagement des élèves à l'aide des résultats du programme d'études générales: la lecture, l’écriture et la représentation et la communication orale puis la conception universelle. Notre objectif est de se connecter avec les communautés voisines de collaborer, partager, discuter et évaluer les projets achevés iPad fait en classe.
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Imprimante 3D “à distance”
School: École secondaire du Sommet
Grade: 7, 8, 9, 11
School Board: CSAP
Project Co-ordinator: Stéphane Couillard
Team Member: René Bouillon
L'impression en 3 dimensions est un aspect important de la 3e révolution industrielle de Rifkin. À l’École virtuelle du CSAP, nous sommes toujours à l’affut de nouvelles approches qui permettront aux élèves qui suivent des cours en ligne d’avoir une expérience mémorable. Dans le contexte du cours de Design 11 qui sera offert en ligne pour la première fois au semestre d’automne 2015, les élèves pourront créer des objets tridimensionnels en utilisant un logiciel spécialisé en ligne. Les objets seront ensuite imprimés avec une imprimante de type MakerBot et le processus d’impression sera diffusé en direct dans YouTube.
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Let’s Play Ball! A Grade 10 Venture at R.E.C.A.
School: Richmond Education Centre/Academy
Grade: 9-10
School Board: Strait Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Tommy Samson
A baseball field restoration project will be completed by grade 10 students in the O2 program at Richmond Education Centre. Within this project, students will learn about project planning & development, service learning, community involvement and active citizenship. This project is a joint effort between grade 10 students & several community groups. It will include an infield retrofit as well as the construction of two new dugouts (with benches) and a bleacher stand. All designs will be approved by an engineer. A focus will be placed on: safety; active citizenship; and building community!
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3D Printers
School: South Colchester Academy
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Sarah Deveau
“Knowing mathematics is “doing mathematics” – Curriculum document for PreCal. Mathematics is more than just a collection of skills and concepts; it includes methods of investigating and reasoning. Throughout this project students will be exposed to the technology of a 3D printer to as to increase the amount of constructed mathematical understandings of key topics addressed throughout high school mathematics courses. The 3D printers will be used to integrate ideas from algebra and geometry with 3D graphical representations. This visualization and tangible approach offered through the use of a 3D printer affords more students greater access to more mathematics.
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Dragon Observatory
School: Lockview High School
Grade: 9-12
School Board: Halifax Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Vanessa Turner
Team Members: Carla Cooper, Jay Thompson, Jason Ralph, Ian Carmichael
Lockview is one of the few high schools in the province which offers an Astronomy 12 course. We are also a 9-12 high school thus offering the Science 9 curriculum, which contains a unit entitled Space Exploration. The Dragon Observatory involves the construction of a small (10’ x 10’ with 10’ overhang structure) observatory (including telescope and camera) on Lockview’s property. The construction of the observatory will involve mainly the Production Technology and Design courses.
With the construction of an observatory at Lockview, Astronomy 12 students will be able to more easily participate in evening celestial viewings, bringing a more hands-on and experiential understanding of celestial bodies. Both Science 9 and Astronomy 12 students will be able to participate in Lunar, and possibly Solar, observations. Communication Technology students will be able to add and learn techniques used in Astro-imaging. This observatory will also allow the Astronomy 12 students to become resident experts, and do outreach to our community.
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Breton Education Centre Alternative Training Facility
School: Breton Education Centre
Grade: 9
School Board: Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Stephen Kearney
The alternative training facility we are creating at Breton Education Centre (B.E.C.) contains top notch golf equipment, as well as a putting green, and driving range. This facility is housed within the school, and it will be available to students at appropriate times during the day, along with supervised times after school hours. This facility will provide an opportunity for ALL young people, including “at risk” youth, to be in an adult supervised, safe environment, and to be active and to socialize with other young people, at no cost to them. The facility will offer young people a unique opportunity to be introduced to the sport of golf, at no cost. The recreation potential with the golf centre will go a long way towards getting our young people into more active lifestyles, in hopes of making active living part of their daily lives.
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Growing A ‘Fresh’ Start from the Ground Up
School: Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School
Grade: 9-12
School Board: Tri County Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Derek Lesser
Team Members: Michelle Hieghton, Todd Wallace, Maryse LeBlanc
YCMHS will use this grant to grow fruit trees (Apple and Pear) around the perimeter of our school property. This will give our students hands on experience with planting trees and allow them to watch them grow, blossom and produce food. The trees will also provide food to help with our breakfast program and can help other breakfast programs in our area. The trees will provide shelter in the winter months because our school is located in a field that is known for heavy snow drifts. There are many curriculum related goals of this project.
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Vote To Promote – Raising Student Engagement and Achievement in Math
School: Shelburne Regional High School
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Tri-County Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Carmen Anderson
Team Members: Andrew Blades, Sarah Flemming, Jessica Nickerson, Ryan Peterson
At Shelburne Regional High School, teachers have collaborated and brainstormed ideas to devise a plan to improve overall student engagement and achievement in Mathematics. The goal of this PDAF project is to implement interactive assessment technology in order to provide richer classroom discussions, more engaged students, and greater achievement overall. Students have increasingly been using technology both at home and at school. Within the classroom, we need something upbeat and fast paced to keep their attention so that they can learn. We need to provide students with an opportunity to explore the use of modern technology in their learning environment. The MimioVote Assessment System provides students with immediate feedback as it complements the province’s initiative of assessment FOR learning.
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Printing the Future (3D Printing)
School: Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre/Academy
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Strait Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Bruce Miller
Team Members: Jamie Parsons, Andrew Clarey, Carolyn MacDonald
Our project, called “Printing the future” gives our school the exciting ability to purchase a 3D printer. 3D printers allow you to manufacture three-dimensional objects, which have been designed on a computer. This piece of technology will engage our students by allowing them to gain valuable technical skills, to be creative in a novel medium, and to meet outcomes from a variety of courses in new ways. It is our hope that by giving students access to a technology with so much potential , we will tap into their curiosity and drive their innovation.
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Tomber dans les pommes…électroniques
School: École du Carrefour
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Conseil scolaire acadien provincial
Project Coordinator: Nathalie Costello
Team Members: Marlene Arseneau, Michel Collette
Tomber dans les pommes…électroniques est un projet innovateur qui permettra aux enseignants d’utiliser une tablette électronique à des fins pédagogiques.
Imaginez une salle de classe ou les murs n’existent plus, où même le ciel n’est plus une limite!!! Grâce au Ipad en salle de classe, c’est ce que les élèves et les enseignants pourront expérimenter.
Les tablettes seront un élément important lors de la planification des communautés d’apprentissage professionnel. Les enseignants devront inclure une partie technologie à leur planification et trouver une utilisation pour les Ipad. De plus, grâce au fonds d’assistance au développement des programmes, nos enseignants et nos élèves deviendront des pionniers de cette nouvelle technologie.
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Business Learning through Silk Screening and Sublimation
School: Bridgetown Regional High School
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Annapolis Valley Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Jonathan Marshall
Team Members: Matt Marshall
At Bridgetown Regional High students will be engaging in basic business education through the small business of Silk Screening and Sublimation. Students will be responsible for the marketing and advertising of their small business and will be required to learn the skills for producing silk screened and sublimated products. The students will work with the BRHS student council to help fundraise for the student council, and in turn, learning the basic ins and outs of small business. Some of the work orders would include: Jersey’s for sports teams, T-shirts for clubs and committees, etc. The students will be responsible to consult with their potential clients and come up with design sketches. The students will see the product through the design stage for the final packaging and delivery of the requested product. Learning together, students will create a working community from which they will gain a better appreciation for and an understanding of the world of business.
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Mathematics Innovation through Technology
School: West Kings District High
Grade: 9-12
School Board: Annapolis Valley Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: C. Therese Forsythe
Team Members: Tarryn Kennedy, Candace Davis, Jocelyn Morton
Mathematics classrooms, typically in the high school, have a wide diversity of students who sometimes struggle with the plethora of learning outcomes that are required for their courses. To assist in their learning - engagement is the key. When students are actively engaged in their own internal building of knowledge as they participate in classroom activities, they struggle less and learn more. This project seeks to increase the level of technology in the math classroom in order to increase the ability for student engagement activities. This project is not just about technology but about having the technology for effective integration involving real-world applications while applying these to the concepts in order to cover the outcomes. Technology is an embraced reality for students. In other words, with the millennial generation, learning with technology is their reality. By incorporating the vast abilities of the dynamic software into the math classroom, this project will be marrying the students’ abilities with technology and their learning of mathematics. It is this very idea that the project hopes to enhance the learning in the classes.
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Simulateur de Golf
School: Ecole Secondaire de Clare
Grade: 8-12
School Board: Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial
Project Coordinator: Adrien Comeau
Le projet s’adresse aux nouveaux joueurs ainsi qu’aux joueurs saisonniers de golf. Le golf se joue durant les mois d’été mais on pourrait susciter l’intérêt à ce sport durant les mois d’hiver alors que le niveau d’activité physique est à sont plus bas. Avec l’aide des partenaires, on pourrait acquérir un simulateur de golf, des bâtons de pratique et des balles. Le simulateur va être utilisé comme équipement de pratique pour les nouvelles équipes de golf de l’école durant les mois d’hiver afin qu’elles soient prêtes pour les compétitions interscolaires. De plus les élèves qui ne feront pas partie de l’équipe de golf auraient la chance d’apprendre des rudiments du golf toute en vivant des résultats d’apprentissages de divers cours dans un environnement alternatif qui pourrait éventuellement leur être utile durant la saison estivale plus tard.
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Amélioration de la littératie au secondaire (liseuses électroniques)
School: École acadienne de Pomquet
Grade: 7-12
School Board: Conseil scolaire acadien provincial
Project Coordinator: Kevin Shea
Team Members: Richard Marchand, Rémi Deveau
Ce projet a pour but d'améliorer la littératie en français au secondaire. La lecture comme activité ludique se fait très peu au secondaire. Ce fait nuit à la littératie. Le manque de ressources de lecture ludique est une cause de cette situation.
Ce projet vise à augmenter l'intérêt des étudiants à lire en français et par conséquent, le niveau de littératie. Les liseuses électroniques donneront accès à de multiples ressources de lecture ludiques dans un objet facile à manipuler. L'évaluation du projet se fera avec un journal de bord et par entrevues.
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National Archery in the Schools Program
School: Pictou Academy/Dr. Thomas McCulloch
Grade: 6-12
School Board: Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Shane Hampton
Team Members:
The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is a program that promotes student education, physical education and participation in the life long sport of archery. The program’s focus is to provide International Style Target Archery training in physical education classes, grades 4-12. This grant will allow me to purchase equipment and certify teachers throughout the province to become basic archery instructors for their schools/communities. The ultimate goal of this program is to increase physical activity and provide a unique curricular experience for all participants, regardless of gender and/or age.
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Roméo et Juliette en Acadie
School: Ecole secondaire de Par-en-Bas
School Board: CSAP Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Yvette d'Entremont
Team Members: Ginette Cottreau, Mouna Westergard, Gerald Muise
L'École secondaire de Par-en-Bas (Tusket) va monter et présenter la comédie musicale française Roméo et Juliette, de Gérard Presgurvic. Cette production, ayant déjà connu un énorme succès international, rassemblera au-delà de 60 élèves, travaillant auprès des enseignants, parents, choristes et membres de la communauté sur scène, à la régie, la sonorisation, l'éclairage, le chant, la danse et chorégraphie, la construction de décor, aux ateliers de voix et théâtre, la publicité et autres domaines. Ce projet rendra vivante la langue française pour les élèves, leur montrant qu'elle est toujours d'actualité. Cette expérience engendra un sens de solidarité entre élèves, enseignants et la communauté, s'étendant de l'Acadie jusqu'à la francophonie internationale.
L'École secondaire de Par-en-Bas (Tusket) will stage the highly successful and internationally acclaimed French musical Roméo et Juliette, written by Gérard Presgurvic. This production will feature over 60 students, working both on and off-stage alongside their teachers, parents, choir and community members in the cast, choir, dance troupe, choreography, sound and light, backstage and props, set design and construction, vocal and song workshops and publicity. Students will develop a better understanding of the importance, vibrancy and vitality of the French language as an integral part of today's society. The ultimate goal is to create a sense of solidarity among students, teachers, and surrounding community, reaching well beyond l'Acadie to international francophonie.
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Flatwater Canoeing and Water Safety
School: St. Mary's Academy
School Board: Strait Regional School Board
Project Coordinator: Scott Hudson
Team Members: Marie Kennedy, Jim Keay, Patrick Duggan
Flat-water Canoeing and Water Safety will aid greatly in learning and understanding those physical education segments of the new grade 10 physical education curriculum that exists in the outdoor component of the curriculum. The project will be an ongoing process that will continue for many years.
The project will provide an overview of basic skills, safety and knowledge of flat-water canoeing and water safety. The project will cover theory and practice of flat-water canoeing and water safety (water safety, equipment, paddling skills, environmental awareness, weather, risk management & emergency procedures), leadership, group processing & development). The project will provide a model program of flat-water canoeing and water safety education in our school and for a lifetime.
The thoughts, ideas, and information-offered here will, I trust, aid students in becoming better acquainted with the use of the water and the outdoors as a way for learning.
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